From standard jobs to special cases:
Our tools have seen the world.
We have been around since 1952. Founded back then as "Deutsche Metalock," we have now been on the road for many years as part of the Swedish Granitor Group. And that really means on the road – from the megacity to the Arctic Ocean to the storm-tossed platform and back again and again to our headquarters in Norderstedt near Hamburg, where we plan our operations and regularly develop new tools and techniques for customers all over the world.
Our clients include corporations as well as medium-sized and small companies. Customers from all industries – for example, the automotive, steel, cement, paper and chemical industries, mechanical engineering, energy supply and shipping – are impressed by how our teams repair the largest machines with a wealth of know-how and highly specialized tools. In addition to our technical knowledge and expertise, they appreciate the short waiting times before our professionals can be deployed and their readiness to work around the clock.
For more information about Metalock Engineering Germany, please visit:
Our Services
- Mobile Machining in Industry and Maritime
- Laser Metrology
- Metalock Repairs
- Special Welding Repairs
- Machine Overhaul
- Manufacturing
- Damage Analysis and Assessment
- Strength Calculations / FEM-Analyses
- Reverse Engineering
Our Locations in Germany
Team spirit, drive and top tools:
Our world on YouTube