By pros, for pros:
Our partners for your success.

When everything fits.

Our partners are specialists in their product areas, and enjoy great repu­tations with develop­ment engineers, fitters, machinists and technicians. All of them have decades of broad experience in their markets, from products to technical service.

Even in special cases, with our technical expertise we are always able to find a solution that works, quickly and dependably.


With ten locations, Superior (SPR) sells and rents pro­fessional and proven special tools and equip­ment for the oil and gas, mining, ship­building, aero­space, defence, power generation and heavy industries. 

SPR offers portable inner and outer flange facing machines, linear, frame and rota­ting milling machines, bevelers, isolation and test plugs, automated welding systems and boring bars, and special machines and tools for special appli­cations. The port­folio also includes customer-specific and standard cutting and grinding tools.



BDS Maschinen GmbH specializes in core boring equipment of the highest quality and precision, from design to production to first-class service.

Since 1989 BDS has been making magnetic core drills, core drills of high-quality steels, weld-cham­fering machines for edge dressing, and beveling and deburring machines for the metal­working industry.

All of its products are designed for heavy-duty use. Efficient production processes, a modern machine park, and qualified staff ensure consistent high product quality.


Chicago Pneumatic

Chicago Pneumatic is a globally recognized provider of powerful and reliable pneumatic tools and solutions. With a diverse range of over 500 products, including pneumatic impact wrenches, grinders and polishers, and cordless torque wrenches, Chicago Pneumatic offers innovative solutions for various applications in industry, vehicle service, and maintenance.

The company is distinguished by its passion for performance and quality, continuously setting new standards in the development of tools that maximize both efficiency and operator comfort.

As a partner of Metalock Rental and Sales, Chicago Pneumatic perfectly complements our offerings, helping us provide our customers with top-notch tools and services.